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Friday, October 10, 2014

Waking Up Early: Day 10 - Sad Soup

Seriously folks.  Jonah woke me up 15 minutes before my alarm went off, AGAIN.  However, I was able to get the baby to sleep and sneak out of the room and spend about an hour downstairs with Jonah before she woke up and joined us.  That was kind of nice.

I guess I was procrastinating on feeding Jonah breakfast, because he went to the fridge and started begging for the chocolate chips.  I took this picture and posted the caption below it.  Sometimes I shy away from 'preachy' captions, but I felt like God saying, "Why not? What are you afraid of?" So I did it anyway.  
If I don't feed this kid breakfast fast enough, he opens the fridge and goes straight for the chocolate. Don't we do that to God, too? He can feed us spiritually through His Word, prayer, and fellowship with believers, but sometimes when we get 'hungry,' instead of letting Him feed us, we start scrounging around for all the junk the world has to offer. Can you relate?
The rest of the day was good.  Both kids took a good 2 hour nap, so I was able to have a quiet time AND send a few e-mails, AND plug in my phone to update it and take off enough pictures so that I can take new ones!  Does anyone else do that? Wow. THREE tasks is HUGE for nap time!

During my quiet time I spent a lot of time praying for my Ladies Bible Study group.  I am so thankful for women I get to do life and community with here.  I also felt convicted that I don't pray enough scripture over my family.  One of the D6 Conference workshops mentioned choosing a Bible verse for each of your children and praying that for them daily, but not telling them what it is until they are older adults, so they don't feel any unrealistic/stressful expectations.  I think this is a fantastic idea, and certainly can't hurt! I want to choose verses for my kids, but I'm having a hard time narrowing it down.

I also finished the playlist for my workout class tomorrow!  I am very pumped abut this.  8:30 am workouts have not happened in a long time though, so I hope I am able to be fun and energetic.

The down side of the day was this sad equation:
Rainy day + At least an hour and half spent in the morning making a crock pot full of vegetable soup + Eating it in the evening and being disappointed = Mildly annoying

Just FYI - using the same basic ingredients for a pot roast, but in chopped up form, does not equal a fabulous soup.  It is still just a pot roast chopped up and floating around. Go figure.  I am calling this recipe Sad Soup, because it was really a little sad.

Otherwise, lovely.
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