When I'm angry with Jonah, it's really because whatever negative behavior he is exhibiting is making me fear that I am a "bad parent" or he will grow up to be a "bad person." When I am upset or hurt by something my husband says, it is really because I fear being unloved. When I am stressed out about cleaning our house, it is because I fear what other people will think of me. When I am annoyed with people in public touching my children on the face or hands, it is because inside I fear my kids catching some virus and getting so sick they die. When I am frustrated in traffic, it is because I fear disappointing people or missing something at the location to which I am en route.
Although these aren't huge, life shattering, anxiety inducing fears, they are enough to hold me back form loving others the way I want to, the way I am called to do. These fears, and others I am working on uncovering, are enough to prevent me from the constant peace that my relationship with Christ is meant to provide. So this year, my one word focus is going to be:
I am excited to embrace this mindset of freedom in Christ, free from fear. Every fear of mine shows lack of faith in some way. I know in my heart that I am loved by and serving the God of the Universe, and there is nothing He can't handle. There is no detail in my life that escapes His care. I want to know that in my head as well as my heart.
I want to know that God has got it ALL under control so deeply in my heart and head that it is finally able to spill out into my actions and reactions as a fearless life.
The opposite of fear is faith. Faith brings freedom. I want my life to be one of faith triumphing over fear. I have read in multiple places that the Bible specifically mentions something about "do not fear" or "do not be afraid" type statements 365 times, one for each day of the year. I'm ready to start listening to this, to feed faith instead of fear.
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What is your focus word for the new year? Have you ever tried this? I'm doing this in lieu of any resolutions, and hoping it lasts longer! Do you have any resolutions or a focus word or both?
I found your blog through perusing through my followers from my blog and I was really encourage by your site! I love that you did Dress December! Such a cool thing to do, and really inspiring. What a commitment! Keep writing, and keep pursuing Christ! He's going to do great things through you!