Sooooo, fast forward to December 1, 2014, and this little social media tool called "Instagram." I follow a lot of other Christian ladies on there who I've never met in real life, but have many similar life interests, and they post super encouraging/convicting things. I saw a few people post their "Day 1 Dressember" pictures with interesting captions. I read all about it. I felt that it was like "Forget the Frock" meets a 5K fundraiser using clothes I already own. I was all in. Let me tell you what it is.
"Dressember" is a campaign where women choose to wear a dress (no skirts, has to be a dress), every day of December, in order to raise awareness and money to fight human trafficking, specifically for women. It is designed to be a "creative challenge" in which women celebrate femininity by wearing dresses to help shed light on the plight on those forced to into the human slave trade. I didn't even know how bad it was. For example, did you know that close to 30 MILLION people are currently kept as slaves, and close to 70% of those are women? That is astoundingly sad and heartbreaking. "Dressember" funds go to support the International Justice Mission who focus on ending violence and oppression for those who cannot protect themselves, primarily those enslaved. On December 1, between 11pm-midnight, I decided to join this campaign and set up a page and wear dresses all month long, and post a picture proof/reminder/campaign update daily. Here's my individual campaign page: Honea Travels in Dresses.
The very next morning, when I actually looked in my closet at my dress options, I regretted my decision. I have 12 dresses. Half are "comfortable" and easy to nurse in, and the other half are more like nice dresses that I wouldn't normally wear. Also, *ahem* it's getting rather chilly outside. So in 100% complete honesty, before even getting dressed on December 2nd, less than 9 hours after creating a "donations" page, I logged on and tried to figure out if I could just delete my page. It's embarrassing. I couldn't find that as an option (well played Dressember founders, well played). Therefore I took a deep breath and decided to follow through with this thing. I found the most comfortable dress I own and put on leggings and a long sleeve t-shirt with the dress on top. I haven't looked back since!
This is how it's gone since then:
Week 1:
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Did you participate in Black Friday or Cyber Monday? Why not participate in Giving Tuesday?! You can donate through the link in my profile to the Dressember Foundation as a ton of people join together to end human trafficking. #itsbiggerthanadress#worthwhilestyle #dressember #endslavery#enditmovement #fairtuesday #givingtuesday #unselfie |
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I don't think I've ever done dishes in a dress before. I felt very June Cleaver-ish. John suggested I only wear a dress when I leave the house, but I feel like that's cheating. I wore a dress to workout last night and I'll be wearing dresses all day for the rest of the month, because there are an estimated 20 to 30 MILLION people enslaved today and 70% are women. Would you consider donating to the cause of freedom? Link in profile. #itsbiggerthanadress #worthwhilestyle#dressember #endslavery #enditmovement |
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I'm the girl who wears nice clothes in public then immediately comes home and changes into yoga pants and a sweatshirt. Not this month! Dresses all day, every day to celebrate femininity and shed light and awareness on women in slavery. Please check out International Justice Mission #IJM to learn more about the organization behind #dressember Also please know that NO amount is too small to donate! It's fast, secure and you can chose anonymity if you prefer. Mark 12:41- 44: And he (Jesus) sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” #itsbiggerthanadress#youcandoanythinginadress #endslavery#enditmovement If you go to this link you can see the VIDEO I posted in lieu of a picture for Friday. This was the caption: This is what my kids think the dresses are for: to hang on to for walking practice and as a Kleenex. Please excuse my initial reaction to that! I can't imagine what it must be like for mothers and their children who are the victims of human trafficking. Their dresses become a place to hide, to cry, and to chew on when there's nothing else to eat, if they are allowed to stay with their mothers at all. Over 5 MILLION Children are forced into slavery around the world right now. Will you help rescue one? Any amount is better than none! See link in profile. #dressember #IJM #youcandoanythinginadress#endslavery #enditmovement #endtrafficking #orphans |
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I worked out in a dress again. The average cost of a human slave in the world today is $90. Let the price of blood, skin and freedom sink in. The average cost to run an IJM rescue operation is $4,500, but usually saves several lives at once and holds the perpetrators accountable. We all spend money on things we need and want. Imagine you and your family today were kidnapped, separated and sold into slavery. Wouldn't you want someone to care? To maybe skip a few expensive coffees and give a little to the group who could bring you freedom? I know I would pray for it all the time. Since I've begun the #dressember challenge, I do remember to pray for them more. Be an answer to prayer for someone today. #itsbiggerthanadress#youcandoanythinginadress #endslavery#enditmovement #endtrafficking #IJM |
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Love requires sacrifice. I know a ton of churches watched David Platt from the #IMB speak today on giving via the Lottie Moon offering. Yes, we will be participating in that. Giving to one organization does not exempt you from giving in other ways if you led. It's like telling your kids, "I fed you breakfast today. The rest of the meals are yours to figure out." When Jesus told Peter "Feed my sheep," he didn't specify which ones. If you feel God calling you to contribute to St. Jude or Lottie Moon or International Justice Mission, then just obey and give. He will bless you in return in ways you may not even realize until you get to Heaven. What small sacrifice can you make for the freedom of others? Donation link in profile! #itsbiggerthanadress#youcandoanythinginadress #endslavery#enditmovement #endtrafficking #dressember #IJM#internationaljusticemissi Week 2: Dressember Week 3: Dressember Week 4: Dressember |
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