Our family also fought off a mean stomach bug between the end of Week 2/beginning of Week 3. We lost that battle, and all 4 of us caught it.
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Dec. 15: It was a stay at home, finish decorating the tree, and do all the laundry that was puked on kind of day. I confess I did not wear a dress yesterday because I was too busy taking care of sick kids to change clothes. Official rules say it doesn't matter as long as you don't leave the house, but I had been trying to wear them all the time. Oh well, that's why there's grace, eh? I'm very close to reaching half way on my donation goal for #Dressember ! Would you consider contributing to the cause of freedom? "Person, not possession. Child, not commodity." Anon. #itsbiggerthanadress#youcandoanythinginadress #endslavery#enditmovement #endtrafficking #christmastree |
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Dec. 16: The Honea girls got hit with the stomach virus last night, so today we are both exhausted and recovering. Thankfully, yesterday I washed this comfy dress so I can still participate in #Dressember from the couch. I'm feeling puny, but I know when I feel better I will have no limits to my freedoms. Did you know that an estimated 30,000 victims of trafficking die each year from abuse, neglect, torture, and disease? Eighty percent of those in sex trafficking are under 24 years old, and some as young as six. Let's join together and rescue a few of them. Please. Link in profile. #IJM #itsbiggerthanadress#youcandoanythinginadress #endslavery#enditmovement #endtrafficking |
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Dec 17: First time to leave the house since Saturday! Woohoo! The kids and I ventured across the street for our regular Wednesday night activities at church and we all had a blast! Today's #Dressember picture comes with a complimentary #photobomb from Jonah. Being sick, I had forgotten to check email and the fundraising page and I was blown away by a few new donations when I got online today! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to ALL the people who have given so far!!! You are not only making me feel like wearing dresses and posting more on social media than ever before is truly worthwhile for this cause, but you are also giving to God when you give to those who cannot help themselves. {And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Matthew 25:40} #itsbiggerthanadress#youcandoanythinginadress #endslavery#enditmovement #endtrafficking #give #generous #IJM |
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#Dressember with my jumping bean. Human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world. Would you like to help some good guys catch some bad guys? Check out what #internationaljusticemissi #endtrafficking |
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Dec. 19: Do you know how many slaves work for you? Thinking none? Try again. I have 72. I imagine many of them are helpless children. Go to slaveryfootprint.org and take the survey to find out how many you have. #Dressember exists to share this exact kind of information and bring freedom for some. It starts with a few of us standing up and saying "I care." Do you care? #fridayintroductions #IJM #itsbiggerthanadress#youcandoanythinginadress #endslavery#enditmovement #endtrafficking |
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Dec. 20: Winterizing a 'Summer' dress today for Dressember. A dear friend told me about a local ministry that seeks to help those trapped in prostitution. Memphis friends, have you heard of the 'A Way Out Program'? Looking for ways we can help closer to home is one way to put a face with the ministry. When you see this problem as a person instead of a statistic, it becomes far more personal and meaningful. Check out this resource or look for more in your area! http://www.ccvmemphis.org/#Dressember #IJM #itsbiggerthanadress#youcandoanythinginadress #endslavery#enditmovement #endtrafficking #memphis |
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Karis and I are both in dresses today! I had not missed one Sunday of church since we moved here in May, then I missed the last two Sundays because of sickness with Jonah. So today it was just wonderful to see everybody again!!! I am so thankful for the freedom to celebrate Christ. Those who are captives aren't free to do much, let alone go and worship. #Dressember#DressemberBabies #IJM #itsbiggerthanadress#youcandoanythinginadress #endslavery#enditmovement #endtrafficking #church #christmastree Of course, if you are feeling led to give PLEASE visit my campaign page here: Honea Travels in Dresses. Or if is after December, then just visit the IJM website and donate that way! |
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