Week 14 was like "YAAAAAAY! Second Trimester Rocks!" Felt good, almost no nausea, had more energy, worked out, even introduced a little coffee back into my life. In my world these days, coffee is breakfast's dessert. I embraced adding it back to Bible study time a few days a week when I knew I had eaten a big enough breakfast to counteract the way coffee seems to drastically speed up my digestive system. Week 14 was also my "Take Charge" week in starting to do things a little differently as I prepare for this Baby #2. Primarily - ordering some cloth diapers for Jonah so I can get used to them. No, I'm not a hippie, but yes, I'm super cheap, (I almost exclusively shop clearance - where's the red tag?) and a little bit of a tree-hugger (God made the earth for us to live here and use, not abuse - Seriously, did you know that disposable diapers take between 250-500 YEARS to decompose in landfills!? It's disgustingly sad that poo residue lives long after the child). Therefore after many months of research and thinking about it, I jumped in feet first (or booty first for Jonah as the case will be), and bought 3 different kinds to give them a trial run before purchasing more for new baby. This cloth diaper review post and the links and videos inside of it over at Simple Mom really helped me in my decisions on which ones to purchase. I'll let you know which ones are my favs as I get more experience with them. Do you use cloth diapers? Do you have a special cloth wipe solution? I have seen so many cloth wipe "Recipes" that I'm just going to dump some things in a spray bottle and see how it goes! Lol, just kidding. What kinds of diapers/wipes work best for you and your little peeps?
Week 15 came and it was officially time for maternity pants. This is crazy considering I didn't even buy them until I was at least 19 weeks with Jonah, but everyone says the belly pops out faster after the first, so I'm dealing with it. However, pulling that big stretchy elastic up over my tummy felt so very nice, like a homecoming of sorts. Oh, elastic bellied pants, how I have missed thee! I also started craving Mexican and Chinese food all. the. time. I miss Memphis more than ever right now because we had a smorgasbord of restaurants within ten minutes of our apartment. The two restaurants I miss the most right now are Pei Wei and On the Border, mmmmmm I would tear it up! I also started using a glass bottle and sippy cup with a silicone shell for Jonah, after reading this totally makes-sense article about all plastics being bad, even if they are BPA-free. Jonah doesn't seem to care, and rarely throws his sippy cup so win! Now to buy glass bottles for new baby...too bad money doesn't grow on trees.
Week 16 brought us to the doctor for a routine check-up. I just love that "Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh" heartbeat sound! The heartbeat was 157 bpm, so old wives' tales indicate girl, which would be nice, but we'll certainly love a little boy too! I also had my first workout where I did NOT feel like throwing up, and I was finally able to drink water in my usual copious camel-like amounts again! YAY! I can't say how happy I am about those two things. I love both exercise and drinking water, and struggling with them during the first trimester was annoying. Now that I can enjoy them both again and know how much they are helping my baby, makes me happier than a puppy with two peters (you can thank the redneck raising my husband received for that little analogy, which he frequently incorporates into conversation). I also got super gung-ho about learning to sew this week when a friend sent me this neat link about homemade maternity clothes. Too bad I don't actually know anything about or have a machine. That's OK because my mom is a sewing wizard (she made my lovely wedding veil and a myriad of other things growing up), and she does have a machine, and when we get back home it will be one of my priorities to learn this art of fabric creations.
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Baby Center 16 Weeks Fetal Development |
16 Week Bump |
I just read this link from a friend's blog and love the perspective: 3 Attitude Adjustments in Pregnancy.
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