I have a dear friend named Ghazal I met during my college days at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. She is literally one of the smartest people I know. She has her phD in Material Science which means she can basically do anything with any material (like melt glass, weld metal, split plastics, burn sand, etc), and she has taken tons of math and science courses which I could never even dream of passing like Advanced Chemistry and Cal C and crazy tough stuff like that. She fluently speaks/reads/writes two languages. She also just happens to be courageous enough to travel far away from her family, funny in a witty way, and kind with a big heart. I wanted to go to Boston to see her, and to take a little vacation before starting the new job. John loves the Boston Red Sox and US History, so he wanted to see Boston for it's baseball and historical significance. Ghazal is soon moving, so we decided this would probably be the only time I'd be interested in going, and we were getting ready to start our job soon, so we went to Boston! We are now also considering this our 4 year anniversary gift to each other, since that is next week.
Boston has an intricate and highly functional system of public transportation. Their "T" system uses underground and above ground trains and buses which run often and accommodate handicapped passengers quickly. I was impressed with their efficiency and speed, although Jonah was not. We knew Jonah loves being outside, but I think he may have a touch of claustrophobia as well. The more crowded the train or bus, the less happy we found our baby. He slept through a few blessedly quiet rides as well. There was one particular trip on the evening of the Red Sox game (it should be mentioned that I previously thought Red Sox was one word, but after visiting Boston and seeing a wider range of signs, banners, and clothing, I learned that it is two separate words), when we rode the underground train with standing room only that I began to feel like a failing magician who is being booed off stage and trying to shield himself from thrown fruit. I tried every trick I knew to get my baby happy. He usually prefers to face away from the person holding him, so he sat on my lap with my left arm around his little round belly and my right hand trying to entertain and distract him. We shook his soft baseball rattle at him. He smiled once and kept fussing. I moved my bottle of water in figure eights in front of him so he could watch the water slosh. He stared at the bottle then looked back at the plaid shirt on the stomach of the standing man directly in front of us, and began to fuss some more. I turned him around to try to soothe him on my shoulder and he kept turning his little face side to side rubbing his nose against my shoulder and fussing, so I sang softly in his ear. I sang "Hosanna" and thought he was asleep, but when I stopped he started fussing again. I tried to keep singing but he seemed too upset that I had stopped in the first place. I then made silly faces which mostly consisted of contorting my mouth into different shapes and going cross-eyed. He silently looked at me like I was an alien, then began to fuss again. I jiggled him, rocked him, bounced him, tickled him. Everything would calm him for about twenty seconds before he would begin to fret again. Thank the Lord, he did not get worked up into his full wailing cry, but only did constant "Meh meh, Eh eh" sounds. However, in a crowded train, even that seemed to make the trip much longer and annoy the other passengers. When we got off the train near Fenway, he was perfectly happy again while we began to look around.
Unfortunately that night at the game, Jonah didn't care much about watching baseball. He was more interested in eating. After looking around at a few of the stores there on Yawkey Way, Jonah began to get fussy and this time I knew he was hungry and so we began to look for a place with hot water so we could thaw the frozen milk bags we packed so that I would hopefully not have to try to nurse him while at the ball game. The big city part of Boston in general is not very baby friendly, and Fenway Park is no exception to that rule. I hadn't seen very many babies on the T, and I didn't see any at Fenway. When Jonah is happy lots of people stop or give comments in passing about how cute he is, or they smile and make faces at him. When Jonah is screaming in public, people look quickly and then look away. Some strange people stare at him, and will even come up and ask "What's wrong?" as if it is any of their business. If you don't have kids, here's a tip: when kids and babies are crying or misbehaving, don't ask their parents questions about it. We are already stressed out, frustrated, and embarrassed. Just look the other way and be thankful at that moment it's not you. So now John is entering his childhood dreamland of Fenway Park, carrying a very unhappy, wailing, red-faced baby, because we can't find the hot water to thaw his bottle, and I didn't bring my neato-beato nursing cover my sweet mother made me for public nursing because I thought we were giving him the bottle. I'm sure in all of John's years watching baseball and thinking about Fenway he never once thought, "I'd love to walk in there with a screaming baby!" Haha, oh how life is sometimes different than we expect! I finally held Jonah and stood in one place trying to soothe him and sent John off to hunt the hot water, because I realized that both of us frantically trying to get through the crowd with screaming baby was not helping the situation at all. He soon returned with bottle ready, and baby happily gulped it down. All was well with the world again. Exactly 3 hours later, still at the game, Jonah was hungry again and I had to stand in the restroom stall leaning with my back against the door to feed him. I don't recommend this position to other nursing moms, but it got the job done. We left the ball game that night with a happy baby and a happy daddy, and although my back hurt from Jonah's standing meal, I was happy too just because they were.
That night was one of my most vivid memories, probably due to all the baby drama, but there were other wonderful moments as well. Sunday morning John got up early and went to take all the Fenway tours, while I slept in and then got ready and went out with Ghazal and Hooman. They took Jonah and I to a lovely little restaurant for brunch and I had the best French toast with their homemade chocolate pistachio hazelnut spread (think nutella but richer, thicker, and creamier, mmmmm). We strolled through a more suburban area to get there, and then I saw a few strollers and more children. There were also a lot of public restrooms further out there as well. (Downtown had very few restrooms, and it was frustrating) We passed laundromats, schools, cafes, beauty shops, bus stops, a yoga studio, and a few little churches. It reminded me of the photography illustrations in Mo Willems' "Knuffle Bunny" trio of books. We walked a little further and came to the big Jamaica Pond park with a large lake, and many trees, and enough people to make it interesting, but not so much that it was crowded. Jonah had fallen asleep, so we sat on a bench and just enjoyed the view. The sun was shining, the baby was happy, and it was just a perfect day, like the kind you go back and reminisce over when you're sitting stressed somewhere and need a decompressing thought. I greatly enjoyed those moments.
One thing we learned while in Boston. John and I are not cut out for big city living. Although we enjoyed our visit, and are glad we went, we know it's not somewhere we would want to raise a family, or live permanently. I kept thinking and saying "There's so many bricks and so many people." The many styles of architecture were very interesting, and standing in Copley Square was fun, between the old church and the new glass high-rise.
Soon though, the buildings and streets began to feel like a great inescapable concrete and brick mountain, teeming with most culturally diverse group of people I have ever seen. For example, in two seconds you may see a Gothic dressed couple in all black with numerous chains, piercings, tattoos and brightly colored and pointy styled hair, brushing sleeves with a suit-clad businessman with gel slicked hair and a hippie looking lady in a long tie-dyed skirt, espadrilles, and a beret, trying not to get run over by a few people on bicycles. Jogging past these people is a fit blonde young lady with a pony tail, dodging the Asian woman carrying her laptop in a shoulder bag and texting with ear buds in, as a Middle-eastern lady walks by with a partial head-covering. On the other side of the street are three teenage black girls having a great conversation, passing a beggar with a cardboard sign reading "No job, no food, anything helps" and a myriad of people in Red Sox caps. The people were fascinating to watch, but few made eye-contact, and even fewer returned a smile. It was this blank, vacant stare that looked right through you, and didn't even acknowledge your smile, that made me feel a little sad. I don't think they were trying to be rude. I think they are just a little more immune to human facial expressions because they see so many humans on a daily basis that they stop being interesting to look at, and they may sometimes forget there are souls behind those eyes. It was strange to be one in such a busy crowd. It made me feel small like standing next to an ocean, but without the profound sense of peace the ocean brings. Instead, I felt small with sadness, like I could never talk to or reach all these people for Christ. It was an interesting experience.
I loved seeing Ghazal. I enjoyed walking down the street with my friend, and riding the subway with her, and staying up late talking and watching Netflix with her. I loved seeing her get to play with Jonah too. I learned that I like seeing my friends enjoy his personality. I knew I liked our families playing with him, but I didn't expect to feel so happy when he smiled at Ghazal or laughed at Hooman. It was fun. I had a great time. If you have friends in Boston, you should go visit! However, I doubt you can find better hosts than ours. Thank you Ghazal and Hooman!
every other post you put on here makes me cry... you are such a great friend and I'm so happy I got to see you before life got even more hectic... Love you and wish you a great time house parenting <3
ReplyDeleteI love you! Also, I forgot to mention that you spoiled Jonah rotten with some new toys, and he literally plays with that football and the rattle every day! :)