My husband, John, is the Lead Pastor of a neat, small, contemporary church body here called "Church of the Valley," and we are absolutely loving being able to serve this community. We attended this church during our unemployed time, and so we already knew and loved many of the people, goals, and outreach activities of the church. I wrote some about it in our initial transition here when we felt God leading us to move back here in order for John to take this position.
Now, several months into the position, we are getting to know and love everybody even more! They just finished a sermon series comparing a few Disney movies to some Scriptural truths, and it was really eye-opening and FUN! If you are even slightly curious, you should listen to some of these podcasts:
All sermons are listed here on the pod bean spot, or you can individually hear them at these links:
1. The Lion King - John Honea
2. Finding Nemo - John Honea
3. Beauty and the Beast - John Honea
4. Frozen - Nathan Ross
5. Cars - John Honea
They are really unique ways to compare the Bible to some of our favorite movies. I hope you enjoy them and learn and grow from them as much as I did!
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