I know most people don't feel this way. |
Maybe Mondays don't have to be so bad if we focus on praying our way through them a little more!
Even if you feel like this. |
Better outlook! |
Best outlook! |
Wouldn't it be nice if we could help our children choose their spouse? Here's the good news - we CAN through prayer! I cannot wait to tell my future daughter and sons in laws "I have been praying for you for years." I think it is just as important to pray for our children to be good spouses as it is to pray for their future spouses.
This is not verbatim what I pray, it always changes, because prayer is just a conversation with God. This is the talking, so don't forget to listen! After you pray, take a few deep breaths and open your heart to receive a word from the Lord, usually some scripture will come to mind for me.
Monday: Mates/Ministry -
I don't know if my son's wife or my daughter's husband is born yet, so please be with their parents. Draw their future in-laws to your love, to seek you and your ways, to raise their children to love you. Lord, help Jonah's wife to love his silly side and make Karis' husband be her soft place to land. Prepare Jonah's wife to enjoy his sense of humor and be quick to laugh at his humor. Prepare Karis' husband to give lots of affection, because she thrives on it. Help their future spouses to grow healthy and strong in mind, body, and spirit. Show me how to set a good example of the wife Karis needs to be and the wife Jonah needs to look for. Help John to show Jonah the best way to treat his wife. Help John and Jonah be men who love their wives well. Help me to be the mate my husband needs me to be. Help me to submit under Godly leading and teach Karis how to respect her husband. Help me and my girls to be wives who honor and respect our husbands. Help us to remember to show affection and love in front of our children so they can always feel secure in our marriage. Lord, please let us teach and model that marriage is for life, and forgiveness is the way to start over every day. Show my husband how to make his ministry glorify you. Let his ministry be only what you lead and inspire. Lead him to the people who need to see your love through us. Guide him in making decisions and meeting people. Thank you for leading us to where we are now. Help us to make ministry always about you, sharing the gospel, and making disciples. Show me how to be a wife who helps her husband's ministry in every way. Help my children to know how you want to use them in whatever future capacity they are called to ministry. In Jesus' Name,
This is the fifth post in a series on Praying for Your Family: a 31 Day Challenge. You can go to the main 'landing page' for a list of all the days by clicking here:
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