Jonah woke us up at 5:30am. As in, John heard him playing in the hallway outside our room, quietly. His bedroom light was on, and there is no telling how long he had been awake. He stayed awake and bothersome until around 7:15. I had to get up by 7:20 to get ready for the 8:30 workout class. I sat in the rocker in our room and nursed the baby back to sleep, then quietly snuck downstairs to get ready. It was rainy and cool outside. I said to myself, "I'll bet nobody shows up." Then I got my coffee, poured in one of the mugs that I bought my grandmother, and posted this on social media:
My coffee cup reminds me to thank God, because He is good. I need to thank Him for this rain instead of worrying that no one will show up to work out this morning. Somerville friends - Get Up! I hope to see you at the CAC at 8:30am!
I decided that even if no one showed up, I should still be grateful that God is good, all the time. Yesterday, as I set up my playlists I felt specifically a few times that I should change a couple of the songs, with the prayerful thought "Wow, someone must really need to hear this tomorrow." I got there ten minutes early to set everything up. No one showed up. I think if I had spent less time in prayer this week, or less time in good community/conversations with other ladies, I may have been upset. As it was, I was a little disappointed for about five minutes.
Then I laughed, and decided that I needed to work out anyway, John had the kids, and I had the opportunity to turn the music up and sing along. I had a fantastic workout, all by myself. You know who really needed to hear some of those songs today? It was me. God knew I needed some alone time. I had a great time, and I decided the name of this class will be "Worshipful Workout," because it is just that.
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