1. I am officially gluten intolerant/allergic. Not full blown Celiac, but definitely not something my body will tolerate any longer. It began as a serious stomach ache with cramps, nausea, and lower bowel issues for a few weeks, then I figured out what it was and cut it out of my diet for about a week, and felt much better. After a week of gluten-free, I accidentally had the equivalent of one piece of bread and was throwing up my guts two hours later. It has also way reduced the amount of fussiness/scream crying in the baby. It's not that bad to go gluten-free. I still have lots of carb options with rice, oats, corn, potato, and quinoa products. Anything that causes me to violently throw up and causes my baby to scream cry for an hour non-stop, is just not worth eating anymore. Good-bye gluten!
2. Salome was a neat mother in the Bible I never knew about, until a few weeks ago!
3. All babies are incredibly different. This may sound like a "Duh" fact, especially from someone who has cared for multiple babies, but it never ceases to amaze me! I was fortunate enough to visit some friends and family this week who have babies, and it was so good to see such a wide variety of behaviors and preferences already in these tiny people! Then when I compare my two kids, they are little opposites in behaviors. Jonah ate better, but Karis sleeps better. Jonah cried less, and was 14 pounds at his 2 month check up. Karis has been screaming so much (although we do now attribute most of that to the gluten), and only weighed 11 pounds at her 2 month check-up.
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Both kids at 2 months old. |
However, in pictures, their facial features are surprisingly similar! In real life, Karis is much smaller than Jonah was, and has a darker complexion, much more hair, a smaller nose, and a rounder face shape. She is beautiful and we love her more every day. God is such a wonderful creative creator!
4. Cloth diapering a newborn is not as bad as I had anticipated.
5. God wants our hearts surrendered to him more than he wants us comfortable and happy. As we go on our sixth month of looking for a ministry position, we are prayerfully considering what may be next. One church is supposedly going to vote on hiring John soon, but they keep putting it off, so we are hopeful and waiting. At first I wasn't sure about this church because it seemed too good to be true, and my flesh wanted a job so badly. When I finally surrendered, God broke my heart for the congregation of people - it wasn't about the job anymore. Now I just want to serve and love on them and teach and participate and grow with them, if they'll give us a chance.
6. Suicide doors are not convenient for putting babies in car seats. Although this car was useful when we had to pull over so I could give birth in it, it has served it's term and we are ready for something a little more baby friendly.
7. A good night's rest + Bible study + Coffee = Great Days
A poor night's lack of sleep + no Bible study + no Coffee = The Worst Days
A poor night's lack of sleep + Bible study + Coffee = Potential for Personal Growth
Taking even one thing out of these equations drastically changes my mood and my ability to think clearly and make decisions based on what is the most loving, instead of what is the most easy or comfortable.
8. I want another baby eventually. We are certain we want to adopt next, and I want to have some time to own my own body again when breastfeeding is over, but Oh My - putting away the maternity clothes this week almost made me cry! I am exceedingly blessed to have very healthy pregnancies, labor, and deliveries, so would it be wasting a gift to not do it at least one more time?
9. This volumizing root spray is my hair's new best friend.
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Photo credit |
10. Do NOT post a picture of yourself with your baby in a carrier in the wrong position on the facebook group: Babywearing 102 board, unless you want 26 comments explaining exactly why you are wrong in less than an hour (a few were kind and offered other wrap options). Then when you post yourself doing it correctly on the thread to clarify, you will only get 6 positive responses. FYI - in the "original ergo" the baby must NOT face out like this:
Rather, she MUST face your body like this:
Because of all of these reasons.
11. Getting pictures of my kids together has not gotten any better since I originally discovered the difficulty back in January. This compilation for my husband's birthday (he's a Bama fan), came pretty close to my idea of perfect, after I discarded the 572 pictures that were awful.
12. Forget the Frock is a really awesome movement aimed at people spending money on a t-shirt that goes toward Orphans instead of brand new fancy Easter clothes. This is one of the best ideas I've heard in a long time, and I can't wait to participate! Jonah has a $3 WalMart suit we got last year on clearance, and Karis has a beautiful dress someone gave us as a baby gift, but John and I will be sporting our Orphan-care clothing!